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A Hairpin Turn in Haiti

A Hairpin Turn in Haiti
David Leister

The Mission Lazarus vision is bringing eternal worth to light. The journey toward that inspirational future is guided by our mission of cultivating dignity and purpose so that Haitian and Honduran people can live abundant lives now and eternally. It's one thing to thrive in that journey along the illuminated, smooth stretches of road, but to make a God-sized dream become reality, we must be prepared for the hairpin turns through dark valleys as we are experiencing this season in Haiti.

As you may be aware, due to government instability and a powerful gang blocking the Varreux fuel terminal in Port-au-Prince, the political, economic, and now humanitarian crisis in Haiti has gone from bad to worse. The fuel shortage has severely hindered the vital distribution of critical water and food supplies, and this trickle down effect has worsened sanitary conditions. This has even led to the first outbreak of cholera since the devastating earthquake in 2010, not to mention widespread demonstrations that have manifest in northern Haiti where we operate.

Thankfully, our staff, students, and partners are all safe as I write this letter, but present indications are that we brace for the situation to worsen. Due to widespread demonstrations, fuel, food, and clean water shortages, power outages, road blockages, and safety concerns, we have had no other option but to suspend the opening of Academie Lazare and ask our staff to shelter in place in their homes.

On that note, please join us in prayer for the following: 

  • The safety and overall well-being of the Mission Lazarus Haiti family.
  • That a stable government would imminently emerge to lead Haiti out of this crisis. 
  • That the country and Mission Lazarus family makes it through the tumultuous weeks ahead safely and securely.
  • That there will be an end to the blockage of the fuel terminal in Port-au-Prince. 
  • The distribution of critical clean water and food supplies throughout the nation. 
  • That fuel would be made available to be able to effectively continue our operations at Mission Lazarus Haiti.
  • An end to the cholera outbreak.

Even amid difficult times as in Haiti, we are encouraged to know that no political nor economic crisis escapes God’s attention, not even for a fleeting moment.

We know that even in seasons of turmoil, the Lord our God is working for the good of you, me, and the entire Mission Lazarus family, because we love God, and we are called to shine light in Haiti according to His purpose (Rm 8:28 ref). As we travel through this dark stretch together, please know that your prayer and financial support is essential to our vision of bringing eternal worth to light in Haiti, and that the impact is magnified during a desperate time as this. 


Our Mission

"I have come so that you may have life, and have it abundantly."
John 10:10

Core Beliefs

  • Faith

  • Dignity

  • Stewardship

  • Sustainability

  • Transformation

Bringing eternal worth to light.

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